Why You Should Call on the Ascended Masters?

Sean Sorita
3 min readFeb 18, 2021


People have become more open to receiving “guided” or intuitive messages from a higher inner source known as the Higher Self. Spirituality has helped people all around the world to find inner peace and serenity in a world that is chaotic and toxic. You should call upon the Ascended Masters to acquire the wisdom and knowledge to break free from cause and effect. The “I AM” mantra will help people to reach a higher state of consciousness.

The Ascended Masters (Photo Credit: The Summit Lighthouse)

Ascended Masters are incredible beings of light that have continued to heal and guide people who are open to spiritual healing and guidance in their life. They have transcended space and time by paying off their human karmic debt and becoming a master. Ascended Masters were once humans on Earth. They are an inspiration to everyone who is open to learning about them and chanting the “I AM” mantra. I have always been open to one specific Ascended Master in my life; his name is Saint Germain. Let me give you a brief description of him.

St. Germain is the “Master of the Violet Flame and Celestial Being of the Seventh Ray” according to an article by the Summit Lighthouse. He is known to spread his spiritual message to people in the violet flame, which represents transformation, creation, justice, freedom, forgiveness, and “sacred rituals such as meditation” through the 7th age. He has been a helpful light-being. St. Germain has assisted me in healing emotional, physical, and relationships with other people through changing negative energy to positive energy along with amplifying my energy field from the Violet Flame.

I have seen St. Germain in my nightly meditations. He appears to be dressed in a violet robe floating in the sky. I see him glowing in a bright purple and golden light on the beach. I always feel comfortable in his presence in my meditations. Saint Germain’s name in Latin means “Holy brother.”

St. Germain- Master of the Violet Flame (Photo credit: SiriuS-Ascended Master dictations)

The Ascended Masters are also angelic and bright light beings that have continued to be a huge part of my life. It has helped me to become a better person to myself and to others that I meet in my daily life. The Ascended Masters are considered to be “immortal and have colossal powers.” They can change their physical appearance and not age. There is a great article on the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth by Aetherius. If you are interested, here is the link: https://www.aetherius.org/ascended-masters/

I feel strongly that Ascended Masters are always around us if we are open to receiving their guidance and teachings in our dreams or meditations. We are not alone in spiritual transformation. Everyone must strive to be their best self. We must continue to be aligned with our Higher Self, God, our angels, and the Ascended Masters to be successful in our physical and spiritual life on Earth and beyond. They are waiting for our call to them for assistance.



Sean Sorita

New freelance writer from Los Angeles with excellent communication and writing skills. Passionate on writing articles on content creators.